Quae Omnia

The interest in Hispanism is growing little by little all around the world. Most of journals specialized for every social science discipline are written in Spanish. But there are a huge amount of people interested in Hispanic and Iberian vocal music and they are not only singers and performers, but also composers, choir conductors, pianists, diction coaches… All of them are eager to understand every aspect of history, culture, traditions, music, pronunciation, interpretation, staging, repertory or popular beliefs.

Why HispaSong needs history? In 1874 the Spanish composer Francisco Asenjo Barbieri composed a zarzuela, “El barberillo de Lavapiés”. This zarzuela takes place in Madrid during the reign of Carlos III. The story is about political intrigue. The better we know about this intrigue, the better will be the interpretation, the staging ...

Why HispaSong needs law? There is a song in Palacio’s songbook , “The three little Moorish girls”, based in a tale of “One thousand and one nights”, the asian book. Stories were used to transmit hadiths, Islamic jurisprudence. What is the real meaning of this song and this hadith?

Why HispaSong needs vocal science or phonetics? Nowadays, it’s a must to research in the voice production for classical voice, flamenco voice or other styles as jotas, cuplé, copla… How to pronounce Catalonian, Basque, Galician, Andalusian repertory or medieval songs from 14th or 15th century? What about the acoustic characterization of European Standard Spanish for singing voice?

Quae Omnia is the name of the oficial Journal of Hispasong, which is the Spanish project to spread Hispanic and Iberian vocal music and to provide the necessary tools for all of this to be fully understood. Quae Omnia is not restricted to musicology articles and welcomes contributions about history, culture, traditions, language and vocal science in an original effort to provide vocal music experts all around the world, the essential information for a much better interpretation and performance of Hispanic and Iberian vocal music.

Quae Omnia will be an indexed Journal and will appear in databases such as Latinindex, ISOC, Dialnet, MIAR, Regesta Imperii and other similar databases.


Download this Call for Papers for information or distribution to your colleagues.

Quae Omnia is an annual publication, peer reviewed and edited by Hispasong, the project for the promotion, research and teaching of Hispanic and Iberian vocal music.

General aims

There are a huge amount of people interested in Hispanic and Iberian vocal music and they are not only performers or singers. The main purpose of Quae Omnia is to provide the necessary tools to vocal music world, from professional to academic people to understand all aspects of Hispanic and Iberian history, culture, traditions, music, pronunciation, popular beliefs ...

Areas of interest

Quae Omnia wil accept papers in the following disciplines:

Humanities and Social Sciences
History, art, ethnology, philosophy, paleography, language ...

Articles on Hispanic and Iberian vocal music from different countries, styles, historical periods or languages.

Voice Science
Articles about vocal techniques required to sing classical and folkloric or popular music (jota, flamenco, copla, cuplé ...)
Voice science, phonation and acoustics of singing voice ...
Papers about phonetics and phonetic acquisition. Modern or historical languages and varieties from all Hispanic and Iberian world (European standard Spanish, Andalusian, Basque, Catalan, Galician, medieval Castilian, Latin, Portuguese, Sephardic ...).

All papers must be written in English or in bilingual, English and Spanish.

Submission deadline: January 15th, 2015.
Pilar Lirio, Hispasong Founder and director. Madrid, Spain.

Editorial Team
David Lirio, Madrid, Spain.
Diego Martínez, Murcia, Spain.

Associate Editors
Marianela Fernández, CSIC. Madrid, Spain.
Irini Mavrou, Madrid, Spain.
Dr. Nuria Polo, UNED. Madrid, Spain.
Dr. Sandra Sáenz-Perez, Madrid, Spain.
Dr. Virginia Sánchez, UAX, Madrid, Spain.

Author Guidelines

Quae Omnia is the oficial Journal of Hispasong. Quae Omnia provides information regarding Hispanic world. Researchers can share their knowledges on history, music, culture, traditions, language and vocal science:
  • History, culture and traditions: any historical period and any Hispanic country.
  • Musicology: only vocal music: ópera, zarzuela, canción, flamenco, copla, etc.
  • Linguistics and language: any language or dialect. Spanish, co-oficial languages like Catalan, Basque or Galician, early Castilian or Portugese, Mozarab, Quechua or Aymara for example and varieties like Andalusian, Argentinian and so.
  • Anthropology and ethnology
  • Paleography, not only writings but early notation.
  • Philosophy, religion, law, psychology.
  • Performing arts and visual arts

Publication Guidelines
Manuscripts submitted for publication must be based on original, unpublished research. They must include all the data obtained and used and supply enough information to allow any specialist to replicate the research and confirm or refute the interpretations defended in the manuscript.

All authors must ensure that the data and results reported in the manuscript are original and have not been copied, fabricated, falsified or manipulated. Plagiarism in all forms, multiple or redundant publication, and data fabrication or manipulation constitute serious ethical failings and are considered scientific fraud. Submission of a manuscript implies that all co-authors have approved and agreed on the content of the submitted text, tables, graphic material, and any other supplementary materials provided. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author that all co-authors have the correct information on the submitted manuscript.

Authors must not submit to Quae Omnia any manuscript that is simultaneously under consideration by another journal, and must not submit their manuscript to another journal until they are notified that it has been rejected or have voluntarily withdrawn it from consideration.

Authors must obtain permission in writing for the use of material not in public domain and send it to Quae Omnia.

All materials (paper, copyright statement and permission for copyright material) should be sent to:
Pilar Lirio
Quae Omnia Editor in Chief
e-mail: pilar.lirio@hispasong.com

Download complete Guidelines

Copyright Transfer Statement
The Editors of the journal remind authors that the content of all manuscripts must be original and unpublished. Material published previously in whole or in part, or currently under review at another journal, will be accepted only if the reasons for the duplication are stated and a reference to the earlier article is provided.

The author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript must complete the form for Copyright transfer. All authors must complete and sign this form. The corresponding author must collect all authors’ signatures on a single sheet or on as many copies of the sheet as are needed to obtain all signatures. The completed form must be submitted to the journal together with the manuscript.

Download Complete Form

Copyright Notice
© HispaSong. Manuscripts published in Quae Omnia are the property of HispaSong, and quoting this source is a requirement for any partial or full reproduction.
Section in charge of Pilar Lirio, CEO of Hispasong and Editor-in-Chief of Quae Omnia.

Letters to the editor
Letters sent by our readers about issues.

Hispasong Ambassadors reports
News from our ambassadors all around the world. The knowledge of Hispanic world in their countries, personal experiences, etc.

Hispasong Anniversaries
Some events or anniversaries to remember.

Social Sciences Articles
Articles about history, anthropology, culture, language, phonetics. See the author section in this website to consult the guidelines.

Hispanic musicians opinion
Relevant Spanish and Hispanic musicians talk about their experiences.

Hispasong Announcements
Projects, workshops, conferences, concerts ... all about Hispasong.

YRP (Young Researchers Program)
YRP is a program created to help young and beginner researchers to publish. An article from all that have been submitted by young researchers will be chosen and our team will help him or her to improve it to publish in Quae Omnia.

About Hispanic composers, poets, singers ...

Voice Science articles
In collaboration with Spanish Association of Teachers of Singing.